
Antik Browser

将我们的代理实现到Antik Browser中,以简化工作流管理。控制大规模IP池,确保一致的性能并增强网络可靠性。

Antik Browser
  1. Open Anitk application
  2. Go to the Proxy tab: Antik step 2
  3. Click the Create button: Antik step 3
  4. Copy the Proxy URL from your Froxy Dashboard, paste it into the text fiel, and click the Create button: Antik step 4
  5. Go back to the Profiles tab and click the Create button: Antik step 5
  6. In the opened window fill in all necessary settings, including proxy settings, and click the Create button: Antik step 6
  7. Now you can use Froxy proxies with Antik!


