Froxy Scrapers Features
Discover why our scrapers are the ultimate tool for your data collection needs. Packed with benefits and designed for convenience, our scrapers make data collection seamless and efficient.
Discover why our scrapers are the ultimate tool for your data collection needs. Packed with benefits and designed for convenience, our scrapers make data collection seamless and efficient.
Our scrapers simplify tasks across major marketplaces, search engines, and social networks. Designed for efficiency and ease, they streamline data collection, making your work faster, smarter, and more convenient.
Froxy scrapers provide a comprehensive solution for effortless and efficient data collection. With no-code tools, 99.99% uptime, and anti-blocking technology, scraping is hassle-free. You get global coverage, task scheduling, a wide variety of scrapers, and an intuitive personal account. Froxy scrapers are tailored to your needs with customizable options and API access, making them the ultimate choice for reliable and convenient data extraction.
SERP Scraper, also called Search Engine Results Page Scraper, is a tool for collecting data from search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.) and popular apps like YouTube, Pinterest, and others.
For example, extracting data using scrapers allows you to find sites that rank at the top of the search engine for a certain keyword.
The best part is that you can then take a look at these results and see what SEO moves your competitors are making to get to the top of the search engine. This gives you some good ideas on how to improve your own position.
Search engine scraping is legal because search engines provide public information that's in the public domain. However, we recommend that you use the scraper according to each search engine's rules and don't violate their policies.
Our scrapers work with a global proxy network, so they support multiple locations worldwide (over 200 countries), including targeting down to the city level. You can choose the locations you want to scrape data from and get search results that match your needs and target audience.
An e-commerce scraper is a tool that extracts data from various e-commerce platforms for analysis, research, and other business purposes. Using web scraping techniques, it allows you to automate the process of collecting information about products, prices, customer reviews, etc. from online marketplaces. Thus, you can analyze prices, products, reviews on marketplaces, and many other elements.
Our e-commerce scraper can handle parsing products on marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress. These marketplaces offer a wide range of products and attract millions of buyers and sellers worldwide. By analyzing these marketplaces, you can access a ton of data to understand product trends, competitive analysis, pricing strategies, and market dynamics.
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