

Integrate our proxies into Octoparse to enhance data collection processes with uninterrupted access to web resources. Achieve scalability and efficiency through advanced IP rotation and seamless automation.

  1. Open Octoparse app
  2. Click on "New" button and choose "Advanced Mode" Octoparse step 2
  3. In the textfield enter website you want to extract data from. As an example we used Octoparse step 3
  4. Next go to the Task settings Octoparse step 4
  5. In the Task settings find "Anti-blocking settings", enable checkbox "Use IP proxies" and go to its settings Octoparse step 5
  6. Now you need to enter information about server/IP and port you want to connect trough. You can get this information from Froxy Dashboard. Notice, you need to set all filters according you need in Froxy dashboard. Also set the rotation time. Notice: we recommend to set the same rotation in Froxy Dashboard and Octoparse app Octoparse step 6
  7. If you done everything correctly, near the Settings button should appear check icon. If it's so then you can save settings Octoparse step 7
  8. Then you need to choose what data you want to extract. In this example we'll try to extract text data from specific element. In this case you need to choose an element on the page and pick an option "Extract the text from the element" Octoparse step 8
  9. After this you can run your task Octoparse step 9
  10. Octoparse will offer you options where your task should be operated. You can run your task on your device or use Octoparse cloud services. For the demonstration we'll pick run our task on the device Octoparse step 10
  11. As far as Froxy proxies work on the login/password authorization you'll need to enter your login and password for proxy. You'll be able to find this information in the Froxy Dashboard Octoparse step 11
  12. After this Octoparse is going to run your task and show you it's result. You can choose options Export Later or Export Data if you need results right now Octoparse step 12
  13. The very last step is to choose what format of data export is most suitable for you. Octoparse offers such formats as HTML, CSV, XLSX and JSON Octoparse step 13
  14. Now you can use Froxy proxies with Octoparse!
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Get Started with Froxy for Scraping

The Froxy team provides reliable proxies tailored for web scraping tasks. With access to a large pool of IP addresses and seamless rotation, you can gather data at scale without interruptions.

We’re here to support you. Choose a plan that fits your web scraping needs today.