Testing Utilities


Ensure that your digital products meet global standards. Puppeteer and proxies will allow you to simulate real user behavior from different regions for accurate analytics.

Notice: Puppeteer works only with residential proxies!
  1. When you set up Puppeteer, fill in value
  2. Under ‘page.authenticate’ input your Froxy proxy login in the ‘username’ value and your password. You can find this information in your Froxy Dashboard
  3. Finally, example of your code should look like this
     const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
     (async () => {
         const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
         headless: false,
         args: ['--proxy-server=proxy.froxy.com:9000'] });
         const page = await browser.newPage();
         await page.authenticate({
             username: 'LOGIN',
             password: 'PASSWORD'
         await page.goto('https://froxy.com/api/detect-ip');
  4. You succesfully integrated Froxy with Puppeteer!
Succeed at Your Business

Get Started with Froxy for Testing and QA

Froxy offers proxies designed to simulate real-world conditions for thorough testing. Access global IP addresses and ensure your applications and websites perform flawlessly.

Make your testing process seamless. Choose a plan to get started today.